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The Unknown City : Howrah

An old picture of Howrah Bridge
Courtesy : পুরানো কলকাতার চালচিত্র - Old Calcutta

City of Joy,Kolkata was established  with three villages Gobindpur Sutanuti & Kolkata more than 300 years ago ; but Howrah City was more than 500 years old,was established with Shibpur Salkia Batore Ichapur Villages.

The Howrah city called "Sheffield of India". Howrah is the second largest city after Kolkata. It has thousands of years of rich heritage in the form of the great Bengali kingdom of Bhurshut.

Factories :

First manufacturing plant of India was established in 1820 at Howrah Bauria.
Keshab Chandra Majhi founded the primary welding factory at Howrah in 1857.

Roads :

The first paved road was built in 1779 at Howrah Bally from Salkia along the Ganges.

Courtesy : পুরানো কলকাতার চালচিত্র - Old Calcutta

Sports :

The sports of Howrah city is incredibly ancient. In 1877 the primary contact sport was started in Howrah.
The first cricket game was started in 1918.
The Volleyball Association of Howrah was established in 1937.

Cultivation :

In the Howrah city area, once there was lots of soil but at the moment, all the quantity of places of Howrah is extremely densely populated.

Areas near Santragachi Railway which was very famous for Arum/ওল cultivation.

Trade and Commerce :

At once time Calcutta was connected with Howrah only by boat.

A wooden bridge over the Ganges was in-built 1857, gradually reducing the gap between Calcutta and Howrah.

Courtesy : পুরানো কলকাতার চালচিত্র - Old Calcutta

Train Service :

In 1854, the primary train service from Howrah to Hooghly was started.

In 1887 The B.N.Railway station was established, later renamed as
South Eastern Railway in 1955.
In the year 1969, first Electric Train Service was started by South Eastern Railway.

In 1898 Amta Martin Train service was started from Howrah Station, service was extended to Hoogly Chapadanga within the year 1938.

Martin Train headings towards Amta
Courtesy: Howrah-r itibritya (হাওড়া ইতিবৃত্ত)

Tram Service :

The Calcutta Tram Line was established in 1905, then the primary tram started running on Roads of Howrah in 1943.

The first tram runs from Howrah station to Shibpur Tram Dipo.

Janmashtami Mela :

At Dasnagar Janmashtami Mela was very famous not only in Howrah but also in State. The Fair was founded within the year 1958 by Alamohan Das.

Steamer Service :

The first Steamer service was started from Howrah within the year 1907. The primary movement started from Telkal Ghat to Khidirpur, Ramkrishnapur to Khidirpur, Shalimar to Khidirpur.

Sources: Encyclopedia about History of Howrah


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